Monday, September 13, 2010

What's stopping You?

A very simple question and one I can't find the answer of. I've wrecked my brains trying to figure out one reason, one plausible explanation and till now i have come up with nothing..blank. All the exercises just lead to one conclusion- the one I detest 'cause i know, deep within, that it's true. And the conclusion is nothing . To this day I had managed to run away from the question itself, lest the answer, I had managed to hide my inadequacy behind various veils and then  all of a sudden, all the veils were torn down. My friend asked me this question and the nightmares began. 
I realized ( well actually I already knew), that I am the only one in my way, the only one stopping myself. and because it is true, I hate this realization. the new question is- what am I going to do now ? well, honestly I don't know. I don't know how do I start and where do I start. After all its not easy to fight yourself.   


Goonjan said...

So very true!

Radha said...

Seriously.. an apt question.. it made me start thinking myself!!

Raushan said...

awe inspiring....n the way its presented just superb...n you just plucked the very chord in me.

Ankit Rastogi said...

Thank you sir.. :P